We officially moved into the new office space at CCC-Yellow Box today!
This is only a part of the new office space, but it is the part that I see from my desk everyday. We have about 14-16 people just on this side of the green wall. We have another 20 people with offices and hoteling on the other side of the wall; and still more staff in other spaces and sites. We actually like it this way!! And we not only like it, but think it is better.
When we first started Community Christian Church all five of us had our office space together in the Sunday School supply closet of First Christian Church of Naperville. When we finally got some real space in an office park we still couldn't afford enough space for everyone to have their own office (you know with nice book shelf and all that) so we crammed about four or five staff in a room that would typically be one office. We discovered a few things along the way.
- It feels like a college dorm room. (which we like!) The idea for Community Christian Church came to life in a college dorm room between a handful of friends. From the day we started till now it still feels like a group of friend who are on a mission. In many ways it still has that feel of a bunch of college students hanging out dreaming about how to accomplish the mission of Jesus (Acts 1:8)
- It is efficient. Since we are in such close proximity a lot of business gets done on the way to the copier or across the room. We have lots of meetings but there is a ton of work that gets done outside meetings while we are doing our work at our desks. The accidental conversations are what spark a lot of the innovations that have made CCC such a remarkable place.
- It creates community. We are really doing life together. When you are so physically close to each other you know when someone is having a good day, a bad day; you know when they are fighting with their spouse or when they just got some great news! When your staff is living in community it creates a culture that encourages the whole church to live authentically together.
- It is more fun! Since we are fun; being closer to one another makes this office more fun. Just this afternoon, Jon was showing off his athletic ability and climbed the green wall. First time in the new office. We were all laughing at him.
What are your offices like? What kind of environment and culture do they create?
I suspect you find some people, uncultured in an open office environment who spell cool, c r a z y? Some who just can't handle being outside their bubble? Or who need plenty of time getting used to it? No doubt this is good for friendship and community, which amazingly has almost disappeared in American culture, and too often including church culture. Isn't it incredible what the automatic garage door has done to neighborliness?
Posted by: jeff pessina | September 04, 2007 at 08:29 PM
I pastor a new church in Morton, IL and have shared an office with three other church staff members for the last two years. We have great relationships with each other, and there are some great serendipidous (that's a word right?)converstaions and ideas. At the same time, private phone calls, and appointments have been a challenge....also, message prep has to be done in another environment...I see lots of positives and a few negatives. We're just getting ready to move into our new offices next month and are finishing the design this week. We're planning group space with a private staff office for counseling and quite work....we'll see how it works.
Posted by: dale schaeffer | September 04, 2007 at 09:36 PM
we also have way too many people in a way too small space and LOVE IT!
Posted by: Jeff Boriss | September 04, 2007 at 10:57 PM
I'm going to be so confused when I come into the office tomorrow!
Posted by: Shelley | September 04, 2007 at 11:21 PM
Our offices are similar to yours - although we have only 4 people in my small office and not 14-16. But I totally agree with you - I love working in such close quaters with others. It is distracting at times but the good far outways the bad!
Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Kelly Corder | September 05, 2007 at 05:00 AM
So - to where did the comment wall move? And the candy dish?
Hey....I gots my priorities!!!
Posted by: Jeff | September 05, 2007 at 06:45 AM
Our staff of 5 shares 3 offices and one general reception area. The Senior Pastor, as well as me, the Children's Pastor each have our own offices. The receptionist, of course has her office in reception and the other office is shared between our accounting secretary and our special events coordinator.
Works out to be a good system for us. I love being able to close my door to meet with someone, to pray or to really concentrate on whatever task is at hand. Oh yeah... and to hide any mess!
Posted by: Jaclyn | September 05, 2007 at 05:18 PM
Ever since I first saw your offices I have been very intrigued by the idea. I share my office with two karate hamsters and my invisible friend named bob. Other than that I have to actually get up and walk down the hallway to talk to someone. Good when I want to concentrate...except for the fact that a closed door in our offices means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! But open offices do look like a lot of fun.
Posted by: Doug Gamble | September 07, 2007 at 09:47 AM
Great job CCC!
Amazing. I serve as the marketing director for Chick-fil-A restaurants here in Georgia and you take our open-door policy (which is quite unique) to a whole new level.
Posted by: Milan Ford | September 19, 2007 at 07:54 PM