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January 01, 2009


Eric Taylor

Dave. Thanks. I'm going back through my goals and sifting them through these 6 questions then reformulating them. You always sharpen me! Have a great New Year. May God continue to pour out His Favor on CCC in 2009

dawn Bodi

Great suggestions. Where did you get some of these ideas? They are both provocative and thorough. You'll be our family "read" tonight at dinner.

Dave Ferguson

This is original stuff. I have been working and tweaking this for the last 10-15 years.


Great Thoughts Dave. I am spending three days next week evaluating life and planning for the next year and I'll definitely incorporate your Questions.


I have the same thought on 75 years of service to the King. I have this widget on the top of my start page to remind me every day. Here is what is says today:

Today is the 12,773rd day of your life.
You have 14,622 days until your last day.
To Live is Christ


Buddy... That's cool. what is that widget, and where do I find it?

(And great post Dave!)

Dave Lewis

Dave, your format is simple and easy to follow. I copied and printed your six questions and will make them available to people in our congregation. I am always looking for simple, one page ideas to pass along to people. I may even use these 6 questions for my own new year planning.

Dave Lewis

Dave, might I also suggest, if you haven't already done so, forwarding this to Discipleship Journal. They would probably publish it.

David Groenenboom

Hi Dave,

Great process! I especially like the long term view on possibilities. Being someone who tends to be dominated by the immediate, this is an important factor for me. Stretching beyong the 'next 3-5 years' to the next 25 is a challenging insight. I also like the 'path' & 'plan' aspects, demanding an implementation track.

I wonder if there might be room for some stuff on the 'shadow side' as well - a bit of 'know thyself'. For example,

* People: what do the people whose counsel I respect have to say about my plan? My mentor? Supervisor? Partner? Do they think I am being realistic and responsible with the time, talent and opportunities the Lord has given me? This introduces some objectivity and accountability into the process

* Proclivity: what are my weak areas? My escapist tendencies? We all have them: so how will these either impede my plan or impell me further into it? How much of my plan is about mission? How much of it is about me? Will my plans negatively impact the people the Lord has given me?

...I think these are important sidebars in any personal plan. I hope they are helpful to you and to others.

Many thanks for your insights,
Dave Groenenboom,
Brisbane, Australia

Kevin Rapp


Thanks for the questions. God is already working on some amazing things for this year. The napkin is out...

God's Best


Dave Ferguson

David, I think the additional questions are good! They help us avoid the "shadow side". And the also start with P's! :)


@Jeff, I added it on the google startpage content and it is called, "How many days have you lived?"

Jackie Nevinger-Silvestro

Thanks, Dave! These are great and just what I needed to help get me a little more motivated. I've been struggling with a New Year's (life perhaps) resolution and you just helped me out with it. I hope all is well with you and yours!

Dave Ferguson

Hi Jackie! Glad this is helpful. Good to hear from you. We are doing great. Hope all is well with you and yours too!


What perfect timing to go along with our discussion of the book! I'm glad Sue asked you to post this.Thanking you for sharing. I think in life it's all about the questions we ask ourselves. I'm going to really think about these questions and Write down the answers in my journal.

Dave Ferguson

Thanks Karen! These questions have served me very well for several years. I think they are similar to Sue's questions and allow you to be intentional about "the story we are writing" with our lives.

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